NFR Version 2.0.2 Research Now Available

From: Deborah A. Greenberg (dagat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 07 1999 - 11:06:50 PST

  • Next message: Nick Maclaren: "Re: setuid vs. setgid (was Re: Anonymous Qmail Denial of Service)"

    Network Flight Recorder is pleased to announce the official release of
            Network Flight Recorder
            Version 2.0.2 Research
    This release includes several new subsystems, a few new N-Code
    features, and support for new operating systems:
    - Access Control
      Many organizations provide varying levels of access to their
      administrative tools.  The NFR software allows administrators to
      configure access control for the GUI, including permissions to configure
      and query.  This feature can be used in both stand-alone and distributed
    - Web Server
      This mini-Web server provides a quick and easy way to run the NFR GUI.
      This eliminates the need to install and configure third-party Web
      servers.  Running on all of the platforms supported by the NFR
      software, the NFR Web server provides all the functions needed to run
      the GUI.
    - Package Download
      Through the NFR GUI, users can easily download packages from the NFR
      Web site, or other locations on the Web. Includes utilities to help
      users create their own sites of NFR packages.
    - New Operating Systems
      OpenBSD 2.3 is supported, while Debian Linux 1.3 is listed as
      experimental.  Check the NFR Web site ( for
      the list of supported, works, and experimental operating systems.
    - Improved Querying
      The NFR software now allows you to query for negatives.  You can search
      for data that does not match other data or is not in a range of data.
    - Packages
      Loading and unloading packages and backends can now be done through
      the GUI, and without stopping and restarting the NFR engine.
    - N-Code
      New functions and statements provide additional capabilities.
      These include:
      - atoi function - converts an ASCII string to an integer
      - elem function - extracts a single member from a list
      - ethmac function - constructs an ethernet MAC address from a string
        except function - displays a string describing an exception number
      - formattedtime function - displays time using user-supplied formatting
      - split function - breaks blobs into separate blobs
      - strtype function - determines the kinds of characters that are found
        in a blob
      - ubyte function - returns an unsigned byte value at a specified offset
        from a blob
      - ulong function - returns an unsigned four-byte value at a specified
        offset from a blob
      - ushort function - returns an unsigned two-byte value at a specified
        offset from a blob
      - requires statement - causes N-Code not to execute until certain values
        have been set
      - support for different naming schemes for global variables to enhance
        distribution of backends and packages
    - Improved Install
      Executables and data are now stored outside of the NFR source tree,
      and users are prompted for the directory during the install process.
    NFR Version 2.0.2 Research is now available for download from the NFR
    Web site:
    We recommend that you first read the system requirements, release notes,
    and other documentation:
    As before, the research version is available for your internal,
    non-commercial use.
    NFR Version 2.0.2 Commercial
    The release of Version 2.0.2 Research marks a difference from previous
    releases of NFR software, when the commercial and research versions were
    the same.  NFR Version 2.0.2 Commercial, which is already available,
    contains several additional features:
    - Distributed NFR Systems
      Busy or physically dispersed networks may need multiple NFR systems.
      Using NFR software in these distributed environments is now much easier
      through centralized management, querying, reporting, and alerting.
    - High Speed Networks
      The NFR software includes optimizations for high speed networks, such
      as FDDI and 100baseT. These optimizations are only included on systems
      BSD/OS 3.1 or OpenBSD 2.3.
    If you need these features or need to use NFR software in a commercial
    environment, and we hope you do, please contact one of the certified
    NFR resellers (
    Send suggestions, bug fixes, and so forth to feedbackat_private
    Deborah A. Greenberg    Communications Director   301.765.7945 (phone)
    dagat_private             Network Flight Recorder     301.765.7946 (fax)

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