Re: Wiping out setuid programs

From: Alan Cox (alanat_private)
Date: Sat Jan 09 1999 - 15:46:02 PST

  • Next message: Pete Kruckenberg: "Re: setuid vs. setgid (was Re: Anonymous Qmail Denial of Service)"

    > Given widespread kernel support for getpeereuid(), it's easy to split a
    > setuid program. All you have to do is identify the atomic operations
    > that the program performs upon restricted files, and move the code for
    > those operations to a separate daemon.
    getpeeruid() is the wrong semantics though. If you look at the Linux
    credential passing it is done per message. A blind implementation of
    uid per socket pair makes it rather hard to handle datagram based
    services, to pick up on uid changes the other end etc.

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