MS IIS 4.0 Security Advisory

From: mnemonix (mnemonixat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 14 1999 - 00:25:28 PST

  • Next message: Peter van Dijk: "Re: test-cgi - Re: HTTP REQUEST METHOD flaw"

    This advisory is for those that upgraged to IIS 4 from IIS 2 or 3.
    Microsoft's IIS 4 limits Web-based administration to the loopback address
    ( by default as a security measure. However, a relict left over
    from IIS 2 and 3,  ism.dll left in the /scripts/iisadmin directory, allows
    users / attackers to access the previous ISAPI application used for remote
    web-based administration from an non-loopback IP address.  On accessing a
    URL similar to the following
    a user will be prompted for a UserID and password and if successful
    authentication takes place they are given access to sensitive server
    information. Note however, that changes can no longer be made with this
    application. It does however provide an attacker with a  means to brute
    force / guess  the Administrators password and if successful an enormous
    amount of reconnaisance work can be achieved through the application's use.
    This application is now rundundant and can be removed. It plays no part in
    IIS 4's Web-based administration.
    Added to this if IIS 4 is installed from the NT Option Pack and  Frontpage
    Server Extentions are installed too, the fpcount.exe utility found in the
    /_vti_bin/ contains an exploitable buffer overrun. I advised on this last
    year and MS produced an updated version in FPServer Extentions 98 which can
    be downloaded from the MS website.
    David Litchfield

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