security hole in Maximizer

From: Mike Jones (mkljonesat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 14 1999 - 11:13:30 PST

  • Next message: Adrian Dabrowski: "AW: test-cgi"

    Ok.  This came up a long time ago at the office, and immediately turned my
    stomach when I found it.  However, after spending a while on the phone
    with Maximizer tech support and an email to their developers, I got the
    old 'That's how it works.'
    So I'll leave it to your opinions.
    The product at risk is the Maximizer Enterprise program version four from
    Multiactive Technologies.
    The issue.  Maximizer is an address book database and calendar similar to
    what MS does with Outlook.  In this program, there is an option to share
    your calendar with everyone (ie:  Everybody can look and see that yes, so
    and so is out at a meeting at 4 tomorrow.)  The DOWNSIDE to this is that
    everyone can also CHANGE the calendar of everyone else.  Now in a small
    office this is  probably not too bad since everyone knows everyone else,
    and usually everyone knows everyone else's passwords (bad bad.  what can
    you do with a pile of salespeople.)  But in a large office, this is a BIG
    Maximizer's paraphrased response:  If they can see it, they can change it.
    Don't let them see it, or  hope they don't change it.
    Just a little FYI for everyone.  Be careful.
    Hopefully Multiactive changes it in their next version.
    Mike Jones

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