NetBSD Security Advisory 1999-001: select(2)/accept(2) race

From: D. J. Bernstein (djbat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 20 1999 - 21:19:24 PST

  • Next message: Gregory Neil Shapiro: "Sendmail 8.8.x/8.9.x bugware"

    One workaround is to run servers under tcpserver:
    tcpserver handles a single TCP port with a simple accept() loop.
    P.S. The same bug shows up in (for example) select()+write() if there's
    more than one process writing to the same open file. Non-blocking I/O is
    unsatisfactory, as discussed in
       Non-blocking I/O (O_NDELAY/O_NONBLOCK) is a feature of an open file.
       This means that a program cannot set non-blocking I/O for open files
       shared with other processes, such as stdout; it will screw up other
       processes that try writing to the same open file at the same time.
       Resulting reliability problem: If a multiplexing program uses select()
       to see when it can safely write to a pipe on stdout, and then does the
       write, it may end up blocking: another process may have filled the
       pipe just after select() returned. One workaround is to schedule
       signals to interrupt each I/O operation, but this is unnecessarily
       difficult to program.
       Vendors should provide ndelay_read() and ndelay_write() syscalls that
       do not block.
    As John Whittaker says: ``It's UNIX. That doesn't necessarily mean it's

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