CFP: New Security Paradigms Workshop 1999

From: Crispin Cowan (crispinat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 21 1999 - 18:47:51 PST

  • Next message: Flavio Veloso: "Re: Nobo and Netbuster Dos"

                                Call For Papers
                      New Security Paradigms Workshop 1999
                          A workshop sponsored by ACM
                             22 - 24 September 1999
                         Caledon Hills, Ontario, Canada
    For seven years, the New Security Paradigms Workshop has provided a
    productive and highly interactive forum in which innovative new
    approaches (and some radical older approaches) to computer security have
    been offered, explored, refined, and published. The workshop offers a
    constructive environment where experienced researchers and practitioners
    work alongside newer participants in the field.  The result is a unique
    opportunity to exchange ideas.
    The 1999 New Security Paradigms Workshop will take place from September
    22 - 24, 1999 at The Millcroft Inn, an hour north of Toronto, Ontario,
    Canada. In order to preserve the small, intimate nature of the workshop,
    participation is limited to authors of accepted papers and conference
    organizers. Because these are new paradigms, we cannot predict what
    subjects will be covered. Any paper that presents a significant shift
    in thinking about difficult security issues will be welcomed.
    The New Security Paradigms Workshop is highly interactive in nature.
    Authors are encouraged to present ideas that might be considered risky
    in some other forum. All participants are charged with providing
    in a constructive manner. The resulting non-threatening brainstorming
    environment has proven to  be an excellent medium for furthering the
    development of these ideas. The proceedings, published after the fact,
    have consistently benefited from the inclusion of workshop feedback.
    To participate, please submit the following, preferably via e-mail, to
    both Program Chairs -- Steven J. Greenwald (sjg6at_private) and Cristina
    Serban (cserbanat_private) -- by Friday, April 2, 1999 (hardcopy
    submissions must be received by Friday, March 26, 1999).
    1 - Your Paper
    You should submit either a research paper, a 5 - 10 page position
    paper, or a discussion topic proposal. Softcopy submissions should be
    in Postscript or ASCII format. Papers may be submitted in hardcopy.
    To submit hardcopy, please mail 5 (five) copies to Program co-chair
    Cristina Serban. Please allow adequate time for delivery.
    Discussion topic proposals should include an in-depth description of the
    topic to be discussed, a convincing argument that the topic will lead to
    a lively discussion, and any other supporting materials.
    2 - Justification
    You should describe, in one page or less, why your paper is appropriate
    for the New Security Paradigms Workshop. A good justification will
    describe the new paradigm being proposed, explain how it is a departure
    from existing practice, and identify those aspects of the status quo
    it challenges or rejects.
    3 - Attendance Statement
    You should state how many authors wish to attend the workshop. Accepted
    papers require the attendance of at least one author. In order to ensure
    that all papers receive equally strong feedback, all attendees are
    expected to stay for the entire duration of the workshop.
    The program committee will referee the papers and notify the authors of
    acceptance status by June 11, 1999. We expect to be able to offer a
    limited number of scholarships. More information will be provided on our
    web site as it becomes available.
    Workshop Co-Chairs
    Darrell Kienzle                      Mary Ellen Zurko
    The MITRE Corporation                Iris Associates
    Mail Stop W423                       230 Nashua Rd.
    1820 Dolley Madison Blvd.            Groton, MA 01450 USA
    McLean, VA 22102 USA                 e-mail: mzurkoat_private
    e-mail: kienzleat_private            voice: (978) 392-6018
    voice: (703) 883-5836                fax: (978) 692-7365
    fax: (703) 883-1245
    Program Committee Co-Chairs
    Steven J. Greenwald                  Cristina Serban
    2521 NE 135th Street                 AT&T Labs
    North Miami, FL 33181 USA            307 Middletown-Lincroft Rd.
    e-mail: sjg6at_private                Lincroft, NJ 07738 USA
    voice: (305) 944-7842                e-mail:   cserbanat_private
    fax: (305) 944-5746                  voice: (732) 576-3279
                                         fax: (732) 576-6406
    Program Committee
    Donald Beaver, Transarc Corp.
    Bob Blakley, IBM
    LiWu Chang, Naval Research Laboratory
    Simon Foley, University College, Cork, Ireland
    Erland Jonsson, Chalmers University
    Clifford Kahn, EMC Corporation
    M J Lin, The University of Texas at Austin
    Keith Marzullo, University of California, San Diego
    Catherine Meadows, Naval Research Laboratory
    Ira S. Moskowitz, Naval Research Laboratory
    Alfarez Abdul Rahman, University College London
    Thomas Riechmann, University of Erlangen
    O. Sami Saydjari, DARPA
    Marvin Schaefer, ARCA Systems
    Anil Somayaji, University of New Mexico
    Brenda Timmerman, California State University, Northridge
    Chenxi Wang, University of Virginia
    John Michael Williams
    Local Arrangements
    Heather Hinton (Ryerson Polytechnic University) (416) 979-5000 x6686
    Hilary Hosmer (Data Security Inc.) (781) 275-8231
    Brenda Timmerman (California State University) (818) 677-7341
    Marv Schaefer (ARCA Systems) (410) 309-1780
    Crispin Cowan (Oregon Graduate Institute) (503) 690-1265
    Daniel Essin (University of Southern California) (323) 226-3188
    ACM-SIGSAC Chair
    Ravi Sandhu (George Mason University) (703) 993-1659
    Steering Committee
    Dixie Baker, Bob Blakley, Steven J. Greenwald, Hilary Hosmer,
    Darrell Kienzle, Catherine Meadows, Cristina Serban, Mary Ellen Zurko
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                                Call For Papers
                      New Security Paradigms Workshop 1999
                          A workshop sponsored by ACM
                             22 - 24 September 1999
                         Caledon Hills, Ontario, Canada
    For seven years, the New Security Paradigms Workshop has provided a
    productive and highly interactive forum in which innovative new
    approaches (and some radical older approaches) to computer security have
    been offered, explored, refined, and published. The workshop offers a
    constructive environment where experienced researchers and practitioners
    work alongside newer participants in the field.  The result is a unique
    opportunity to exchange ideas.
    The 1999 New Security Paradigms Workshop will take place from September
    22 - 24, 1999 at The Millcroft Inn, an hour north of Toronto, Ontario,
    Canada. In order to preserve the small, intimate nature of the workshop,
    participation is limited to authors of accepted papers and conference
    organizers. Because these are new paradigms, we cannot predict what
    subjects will be covered. Any paper that presents a significant shift
    in thinking about difficult security issues will be welcomed.
    The New Security Paradigms Workshop is highly interactive in nature.
    Authors are encouraged to present ideas that might be considered risky
    in some other forum. All participants are charged with providing feedback
    in a constructive manner. The resulting non-threatening brainstorming
    environment has proven to  be an excellent medium for furthering the
    development of these ideas. The proceedings, published after the fact,
    have consistently benefited from the inclusion of workshop feedback.
    To participate, please submit the following, preferably via e-mail, to
    both Program Chairs -- Steven J. Greenwald (sjg6at_private) and Cristina
    Serban (cserbanat_private) -- by Friday, April 2, 1999 (hardcopy
    submissions must be received by Friday, March 26, 1999).
    1 - Your Paper
    You should submit either a research paper, a 5 - 10 page position
    paper, or a discussion topic proposal. Softcopy submissions should be
    in Postscript or ASCII format. Papers may be submitted in hardcopy.
    To submit hardcopy, please mail 5 (five) copies to Program co-chair
    Cristina Serban. Please allow adequate time for delivery.
    Discussion topic proposals should include an in-depth description of the
    topic to be discussed, a convincing argument that the topic will lead to
    a lively discussion, and any other supporting materials.
    2 - Justification
    You should describe, in one page or less, why your paper is appropriate
    for the New Security Paradigms Workshop. A good justification will
    describe the new paradigm being proposed, explain how it is a departure
    from existing practice, and identify those aspects of the status quo
    it challenges or rejects.
    3 - Attendance Statement
    You should state how many authors wish to attend the workshop. Accepted
    papers require the attendance of at least one author. In order to ensure
    that all papers receive equally strong feedback, all attendees are
    expected to stay for the entire duration of the workshop.
    The program committee will referee the papers and notify the authors of
    acceptance status by June 11, 1999. We expect to be able to offer a
    limited number of scholarships. More information will be provided on our
    web site as it becomes available.
    Workshop Co-Chairs
    Darrell Kienzle                      Mary Ellen Zurko
    The MITRE Corporation                Iris Associates
    Mail Stop W423                       230 Nashua Rd.
    1820 Dolley Madison Blvd.            Groton, MA 01450 USA
    McLean, VA 22102 USA                 e-mail: mzurkoat_private
    e-mail: kienzleat_private            voice: (978) 392-6018
    voice: (703) 883-5836                fax: (978) 692-7365
    fax: (703) 883-1245
    Program Committee Co-Chairs
    Steven J. Greenwald                  Cristina Serban
    2521 NE 135th Street                 AT&T Labs
    North Miami, FL 33181 USA            307 Middletown-Lincroft Rd.
    e-mail: sjg6at_private                Lincroft, NJ 07738 USA
    voice: (305) 944-7842                e-mail:   cserbanat_private
    fax: (305) 944-5746                  voice: (732) 576-3279
                                         fax: (732) 576-6406
    Program Committee
    Donald Beaver, Transarc Corp.
    Bob Blakley, IBM
    LiWu Chang, Naval Research Laboratory
    Simon Foley, University College, Cork, Ireland
    Erland Jonsson, Chalmers University
    Clifford Kahn, EMC Corporation
    M J Lin, The University of Texas at Austin
    Keith Marzullo, University of California, San Diego
    Catherine Meadows, Naval Research Laboratory
    Ira S. Moskowitz, Naval Research Laboratory
    Alfarez Abdul Rahman, University College London
    Thomas Riechmann, University of Erlangen
    O. Sami Saydjari, DARPA
    Marvin Schaefer, ARCA Systems
    Anil Somayaji, University of New Mexico
    Brenda Timmerman, California State University, Northridge
    Chenxi Wang, University of Virginia
    John Michael Williams
    Local Arrangements
    Heather Hinton (Ryerson Polytechnic University) (416) 979-5000 x6686
    Hilary Hosmer (Data Security Inc.) (781) 275-8231
    Brenda Timmerman (California State University) (818) 677-7341
    Marv Schaefer (ARCA Systems) (410) 309-1780
    Crispin Cowan (Oregon Graduate Institute) (503) 690-1265
    Daniel Essin (University of Southern California) (323) 226-3188
    ACM-SIGSAC Chair
    Ravi Sandhu (George Mason University) (703) 993-1659
    Steering Committee
    Dixie Baker, Bob Blakley, Steven J. Greenwald, Hilary Hosmer,
    Darrell Kienzle, Catherine Meadows, Cristina Serban, Mary Ellen Zurko
     Crispin Cowan, Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science, OGI
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