IIS - reproduction...

From: Pete Juvinall (psjuvinaat_private)
Date: Mon Jan 25 1999 - 20:39:40 PST

  • Next message: Yiango: "Re: Mirc 5.5 'DCC Server' hole"

    Hi -
    This doesn't necissairly have to be posted, but we reproduced the IIS bug with NT4 SP4 IIS 4.0 from the option pack CD and no hot fixes.  It didn't error out, however, it did behave rather differently than I've heard so far.  *All* of the virtual web servers stopped (we have about 6-7 running) and needed to be restarted.  Interesting thing is that the machine that I ran the exploit on didn't restart right away, but did after about 10 minutes.
    Adding to the info,

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