
From: Joel Jacobson (joel.jacobsonat_private)
Date: Tue Jan 26 1999 - 13:17:51 PST

  • Next message: DEF CON ZERO WINDOW: "Re: Win98 Crash?(An additional item)"

    I tried to oshare my box, a Win98 version 4.10.1998, but I didn't get
    the bluescreen. The only thing that happend was that the system hanged,
    temporarily, cause, when I stopped the oshare attack from the Linux box
    (2.0.36), the Win98 system came alive again and I could still use the
    network without any problems.
    Is this normal?
    I also tried those changed, but still no change in result.
    ip->ihl                 = rand() % 16;
    ip->tos                 = 0x00;
    ip->tot_len             = rand() % 0xffff;
    Regards, Joel Jacobson.

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