Windows CE 2.1 security problem

From: Bart (bartat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 27 1999 - 06:51:50 PST

  • Next message: Anthony C . Zboralski: "Re: [HERT] ANNOUNCE: linux auditd daemon 1.10"

    Yesterday I discovered a security problem in Windows CE 2.1 for a
    Palm PC (Cassiopeia E-11)
    When you type text on the emulated keyboard, WinCE tries to guess the word
    you're typing. When you enter a password (eg. for a dialup) WinCE will
    consequently show the words which first characters match
    your password's first characters.
    The impact is quite obvious. When people can see your screen, they can see
    a part of your password.
    Kind regards,
    Bart Van den Bossche
    adminat_private  bartat_private
    grep... grep... grep... (frog with unix stuck in his throat)

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