Nessus 990201

From: Renaud Deraison (deraisonat_private)
Date: Sun Jan 31 1999 - 15:07:11 PST

  • Next message: Lamont Granquist: "Digital Unix Buffer Overflows: Exploits"

    Paris, 1st Feb.
    I am pleased to announce the availability of Nessus 990201.
    Nessus is a security scanner released under the GPL, the
    full description of which has already been posted on this
    list several months ago, so I will not redescribe it once
    more in order to save everyone's bandwith.
    This new version includes :
     - more than 180 security checks
     - a ciphered communication layer between the server and the
       client (yes, this scanner is made up of a server, in charge
       of the tests, and a client which is the frontend of the product)
     - GTK 1.1 compatibility for the traditional Unix client.
    For those who do not like the X11 client, a perl client
    has written by Jochen Wiedmann <joeat_private>.
    The Unix version of Nessus currently compiles under :
    - Linux (glibc and libc)
    - FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD
    - Solaris 2.6
    It was also reported to compile under IRIX with gcc, but its
    runtime behavior could not be tested under this environment.
    You can download Nessus at :
    The perl client is available at :
    The archive name being :  Net-Nessus-0.04.tar.gz
    The Nessus website contains pointers to the Nessus mailing list
    and FAQ -- be sure to check them out.
    In the hope that this tool will be helpful to some people around
    				-- Renaud Deraison
    ps : Nessus is totally free -- there is no company behind it, and
    the download page is advertisement free, at the opposite of
    some others so-called "free" security scanners.

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