Re: L0pht Advisory - Rational Software ClearCase root exploitable

From: Oezguer Kesim (Oec.Kesimat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 09 1999 - 08:57:27 PST

  • Next message: Jim Paris: "Re: Microsoft Access 97 Stores Database Password as Plaintext"

    things are even worse!  You may want to remove the setuid flag from
    /usr/atria/etc/db_loader, _but_ this won't fix the problem -- just the exploit
    given by Dr. Mudge.  Let me elaborate:
    1.  Observation:
    If we make a
    	# /usr/atria/bin/cleartool mkvob -tag /tmp/foo /tmp/foo.vbs
    you'll notice that
    	# ls -l /tmp/foo.vbs/db/db_dumper
    	-r-sr-xr-x   1 root     root      1526912 Jan 21  1998 db_dumper
    2.  Observation:
    While using the above command (cleartool mkvob ...) see what albd_server
    actually makes:
    	# ps -A | grep albd
    	188 ?	0:08 albd_ser
    Now, if you read the output of
    	truss -f -p 188
    when the above command is used, you'll notice the following:
    	188:    fork()                                          = 14311
    	14311:  fork()          (returning as child ...)        = 188
    	14311:  execve("/usr/atria/etc/db_server", 0xEFFFED9C, 0xEFFFFF24)  argc = 3
    	14311:  stat("/usr/atria/etc/db_dumper", 0xEFFFE110)    = 0
    	14311:  access("/tmp/foo.vbs/db/db_dumper", 0)        Err#2 ENOENT
    	14311:  open("/usr/atria/etc/db_dumper", O_RDONLY)      = 14
    	14311:  open("/tmp/foo.vbs/db/db_dumper", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0100555) = 15
    	14311:  read(14, "7F E L F010201\0\0\0\0\0".., 65536)   = 65536
    	14311:  write(15, "7F E L F010201\0\0\0\0\0".., 65536)  = 65536
    	14311:  utime("/tmp/foo.vbs/db/db_dumper", 0xEFFFD400) = 0
    	14311:  stat("/tmp/foo.vbs/db/db_dumper", 0xEFFFE438) = 0
    	14311:  chmod("/tmp/foo.vbs/db/db_dumper", 0104555)   = 0
    In other words _exactly the same code as before_ !!  But this time in
    /usr/atria/etc/db_server and called by the daemon albd_server running under
    uid root.
    Therefore, you can use the exploit by l0pht after small modifiactions, _even_
    if you remove the setuid flag of /usr/atria/etc/db_loader .
    3.  Observation:
    	# ldd /usr/atria/etc/db_server =>         /usr/atria/shlib/
    	# strings /usr/atria/shlib/ | grep db_dumper
    Most probably the whole code is written in here...
    Oezguer Kesim       |
    Unix Support        |  Email: Oec.Kesimat_private
    Alcatel SEL Berlin  |

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