Wrap-up to ISS thread

From: Mr. joej (mr_joejat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 11 1999 - 09:30:38 PST

  • Next message: aleph1at_private: "ACFUG List: Alert: Allaire Forums GetFile bug"

    ISS is not alone.
    There is an interesting lesson to be learned here.  While 'false
    positives' are easy to spot (if you admin the box), 'false negatives'
    are not so easy to identify.  Both do exist in all security scanner
    products I have seen.
    I do believe that there should probably be some more documentation on
    ISS's part.  However the same goes for other vendors.  There are many
    ways to deal with 'false negatives' such as printing a list of
    everything that the product scans for and saying 'hey I tested these
    vulnerabilities, I don't think your vulnerable, but can't prove it
    100%'.  In my opinion that is not acceptable.  So what does that
    Well my take on it is this.  No commerical product will provide an
    absolute vulnerability list 100% of the time.  Once again proving that
    there will always be a market for 'true' security professionals.
    my last 2 cents ....
    aleph1: lets kill this thread, I'm tired of getting email bout it.
    Let's move to fry bigger fish.
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