Possible FW-1 DoS

From: Timothy Hirst (hirstat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 12 1999 - 00:18:40 PST

  • Next message: Glynn Clements: "Re: Lynx /tmp problem"

    Hi all,
    I was running nmap against a client's Checkpoint FW-1
    when they called to inform me that it had crashed.  I
    was not on site so unfortunately I have little
    details. I DO know that they were running it on a NT
    box and it was behind a Cisco 3640.  I haven't been
    able to experiment with this yet, though I suspect
    that the scan crashed NT not the FW-1 itself. I was
    running nmap v2.07 with fragmented SYN packets (nmap
    -sS -f -O client.IP). I hope that someone out there
    can play with this a bit and give us more details.
    Cheers, Tim
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