Re: NetApp Filer software versions 5.x: potential hardware killer

From: der Mouse (mouseat_private)
Date: Sat Feb 13 1999 - 07:01:46 PST

  • Next message: Eric Stevens: "Re: NT too? Re: Another Windows98 Bug..."

    >> But now, apparently new with the 5.x revisions of the filer
    >> operating system, a malicious individual can likely destroy the disk
    >> drive hardware itself.
    On reflection, this is really a bug in the disk drive.  If a NetApp can
    shove new firmware into the drive, so could any host it's connected to.
    > How is this different from any host (Unix, Windows, DOS, network
    > equipment) that has one or more components with upgradeable firmware?
    In my opinion, it isn't fundamentally different.  If I saw, for
    example, a machine with flashable "PROM" code that *didn't* require
    some physical change - eg, a jumper on the board - to enable that
    functionality, I wouldn't go near the thing.
    Any drive that allows its host to download new firmware without some
    documented hard means of disabling this capability (typically a jumper
    on the drive) is just *asking* for trouble.
    NetApp is not the problem.  Given knowledge of the relevant commands to
    the drive, any of the free-source OSes could become just as dangerous.
    NetApp is contributing only in that they make it a little easier to
    shove new firmware into a drive.
    > If I recall correctly, the procedure goes something like this: after
    > the new firmware has completed uploading, the checksum is verified
    > and/or it is tested in other ways (there is room for both the old and
    > new copies, I guess), and only then will the disk switch over to the
    > new firmware using some atomic operation.
    > So it may be true that someone could construct an evil firmware that
    > also passes muster (it may be difficult to do this -- I don't know),
    "I guess" - "may be true" - "I don't know".  This sounds a whole lot
    like something bugtraq has seen many times before, a flavor of
    security-through-obscurity: a device with a capability that has
    unpleasant security implications that is rendered "secure" (note the
    quotes) by keeping that capability secret.  I recall this most recently
    with router boxes that have "secret" backdoor passwords, but this is
    not fundamentally different.
    > and upon gaining root access to your filer, instead of zeroing all of
    > your disks, they turn your disks into bricks.
    Mind you, I have trouble imagining what an attacker would want to do to
    your drives except turning them into bricks (ie, a DOS attack) - but I
    am not the least bit sure nobody will think of something fiendish that
    I haven't thought of.
    > To be honest, I don't know how irrecoverable today's disks are when a
    > bad firmware is uploaded.
    Mm-hmm.  More undocumented aspects of common hardware.
    Seagate, Quantum, etc: any of you present on bugtraq?  Any of you care
    to speak up and document these aspects of your drives?  Or if you *are*
    using a standardized capability, point to where it's documented?
    					der Mouse
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