Re: Fw: Fw: No Security is Bad Security

From: Jon Ribbens (jonat_private)
Date: Sat Feb 13 1999 - 09:02:17 PST

  • Next message: mroat_private: "Re: Comments re: Vulnerability Testing"

    Jim Maze <jmazeat_private> wrote:
    > That's funny. How can the PIX be certified as conforming to any
    > "Application Level Firewall Protection Profile", when the PIX is not an
    > application lever firewall? As you know the PIX is based on stateful
    > packet filtering - not application layer proxies.
    This is wrong. The PIX has 'protocol fixups' which are application-level
    filters. I cannot find any documentation on what they do, though.
    > Here's the problem with the PIX, and any other packet filter - stateful
    > or not. The darn things don't break the client server connections. Every
    > network in the world has at least one mail server and one web server.
    > With a PIX, you have to have an ACL entry that allows port 25 to the
    > mail server and port 80 and possibly 443 to the web server. The problem
    > is, any traffic that meets these basic requirements will pass right
    > through unrestricted.
    Definitely wrong. Here, for example, is a connection to sendmail via
    a PIX firewall:
    <<< 220 SMTP/cmap ready______________________________________________________
    >>> HELP
    <<< 500 Command unrecognized: "XXXX"
    The PIX is replacing any data it doesn't think we need to know with
    underlines, (e.g. the sendmail banner), and replacing any commands it
    doesn't think are necessary with Xs.
    \/ Jon Ribbens / jonat_private

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