Re: ISS Internet Scanner Cannot be relied upon for conclusive

From: Shaun Lowry (shaunlat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 15 1999 - 05:36:34 PST

  • Next message: Rupert Weber-Henschel: "snplog-1.0 buffer overflow"

    Daniele Orlandi [mailto:danieleat_private] writes:
    > All the timestamps should be recorded in GMT, all comparisons
    > should be made
    > relying on GMT time. The only thing that changes between DST
    > and NON DST is the
    > time shown to the user.
    > Changing saving time state is like changing time zone, 10:00
    > CET is the same GMT
    > time as 4:00 EST (it's only an example, I could be wrong).
    I don't know that this is actually true on Windows NT; certainly
    the time that's presented to the user seems to be wrong in certain
    cases.  For example, a file created on 15/Feb/1999 at 13:08 GMT will,
    after DST kicks in, be reported as being created on 15/Feb/1999 at 14:08
    even though DST wasn't in force at that time!  I'm not sure how NT
    goes about adjusting for DST but it either: incorrectly adjusts how it
    displays dates to the user in this case, or it 'adjusts' when the epoch
    was (either by changing it's current offset or resetting the system
    As a rule, I don't rely on NT date stamps.

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