RedHat sysklogd vulnerability

From: Cory Visi (visiat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 15 1999 - 23:22:56 PST

  • Next message: der Mouse: "Re: Mail-Max Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit"

    I'd like to apologize for being so late with this e-mail as I have known
    about this problem for months. The vulnerability was discussed in a Thu, 10
    Sep 1998 BugTraq e-mail by Michal Zalewski (lcamtufat_private). I replied to it
    with a quick patch. Here are some lines from my e-mail:
    > I'm not completely happy with this, as it modifies the reference parameter,
    > ptr, but it will solve the problem. However, later on:
    > ExpandKadds(line, eline)
    > Where eline is the same size as line. I think the real solution is to make
    > sure the buffer is larger (LOG_LINE_LENGTH) like Michal said, and make sure
    > modules and programs don't generate obsurdly long messages,  because you
    > can't be certain how much room is necessary for the expanded symbols. It
    > would be nice if ExpandKadds() allocated memory dynamically, but it doesn't.
    RedHat immediately issued a "fix" to their current package: sysklogd-1.3-26
    This "fix" is merely my patch (and nothing more). My patch DOES NOT fix the
    problem. As discussed by the package co-maintainer (Martin Schulze
    (joeyat_private)) the bug is fixed in the latest sysklogd
    package (1.3-30). In fact, the bug was fixed in 1996. What this comes down
    to is that any Linux distribution running an old sysklogd package (namely
    RedHat all versions) STILL has a potential (rather obscure) buffer overflow.
    They need to upgrade to the latest version ASAP. I e-mailed
    bugzillaat_private and got no response.
    Thank you,
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