Re: Possible Netscape Crypto Security Flaw

From: Pete Krawczyk (pkrawczyat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 16 1999 - 09:07:05 PST

  • Next message: Christofer C. Bell: "mSQL vulnerability."

    At 09:13 PM 2/14/99 -0600, Haze wrote:
    >then the cracker could perform a brute force crack on the encryption and
    >attempt to gain access to the Regular Joe A's ISP and/or pop3 e-mail
    To get to the POP3 account, you'd only need to put the password in a
    registry key of your own, then check the mail.  I would imagine that the
    key to encrypt is the same across all copies of Netscape.
    Along those lines, if you had a sniffer next to the computer you put the
    encrypted password on, you could sniff the real password in transit and
    thus not have to brute force attack the password, since POP3 is cleartext
    -Pete K
    Pete Krawczyk                
     pkrawczy at uiuc dot edu         Finger the 2nd address for PGP Public Key
     petek at bsod dot net     "No spammies, no spammies, no spammies... stop!"

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