Re: [HERT] Advisory #002 Buffer overflow in lsof

From: routeat_private
Date: Thu Feb 18 1999 - 16:46:17 PST

  • Next message: Mark A. Heilpern: "Re: Pingflood attack against Windows98"

    [Gene Spafford wrote]
    | People who publish bugs/exploits that are not being actively exploited
    | *before* giving the vendor a chance to fix the flaws are clearly
    | grandstanding.  They're part of the problem -- not the solution.
        Who is to say the vulnerability in question was NOT being exploited
        prior to release?  Odds are it was.  Bugtraq is a full-diclosure list.
        The `problem` as you succinctly put it is in *non-disclosure*.  While
        it is still questionable whether or not the original posters found the bug
        themselves (the advisory lacked any technical detail) calling them part of
        the problem is a misfire of your disdain (attacking them on the content
        of the advisory --or lack thereof-- is a much better call).  The problem,
        in this case, would be the malevolent individual(s) breaking into your
        machine exploiting this bug (before or after it was disclosed).
        Don't shoot the messenger.
    I live a world of paradox... My willingness to destroy is your chance for
    improvement, my hate is your faith -- my failure is your victory, a victory
    that won't last.

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