Quakeworld client killer followup

From: Tim Fletcher (tim@NIGHT-SHADE.DEMON.CO.UK)
Date: Thu Feb 18 1999 - 18:05:32 PST

  • Next message: Gene Spafford: "Re: [HERT] Advisory #002 Buffer overflow in lsof"

    Follow up to my posting on quake client killer...
    1. The bug appers in quakeworld
    2. The server and client were version 2.30
    3. There appers to be no effect on linux quake2 clients
          Tim Fletcher                  .~.
                                        /V\       L   I   N   U   X
       tjdf@st-andrews.ac.uk           // \\  >Don't fear the penguin<
    tim@night-shade.demon.co.uk       /(   )\
    Linux:  Turning toys, into workstations.

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