Re: Buffer Overflow in Super (new)

From: Ryan Russell (Ryan_Russellat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 26 1999 - 09:49:27 PST

  • Next message: debian-security-announceat_private: "[SECURITY] New version of lsof fixes buffer overflow"

    >In sum, items (i) and (ii) ensure that users can't create buffer overflows
    >from the command line.  Item (iii) is insurance that users can't
    >pass strings that might be confusing to super in some other, unanticipated
    >manner.  Item (iv) avoids buffer overflows from user-supplied
    >With apologies for the inconvenience to all,
    If any software producers (commercial or freeware) on this list
    are paying attention:
    I don't think I've ever seen a better response by an author to someone
    finding a hole in his/her program.
    He did a review of his whole product, closed down potential holes,
    did it within a very short period of time, then apologized.
    Will, with a response like yours, no apology is neccessary.  Thank
    you for an excellent example of how to handle this type of situation.

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