X11R6 NetBSD Security Problem

From: in.telnetd (telnetdat_private)
Date: Sun Mar 21 1999 - 21:34:48 PST

  • Next message: in.telnetd: "Re: X11R6 NetBSD Security Problem"

     If this has already been brought up, you have the right to stone me to
    death, But I havent seen it and ive searched, so here it is:
    I was fooling around today, and decided to rm /tmp/.X11-unix and then make
    a symbolic link from a file to /tmp/.X11-unix and then startx. So I backed
    up /etc/passwd and
    ln -s /etc/passwd /tmp/.X11-unix
    and then startx'd as normal user acount, But X wouldnt start, it
    complained and said "is not a directory" So, I made a symbolic link from
    /root to /tmp/.X11-unix, and startx'd as a normal user, and was suprised
    to have write access to /root.
    I was able to write new files to /root but was not able to overright or
    change files, i was able to make a "+ +" .rhosts though.
    I did this to /etc also, changed it from:
    telnetd ~$ ln -s /etc /tmp/.X11-unix
    telnetd ~$ startx
    I have tested this via a remote telnet sesion also, It works if you are
    able to startx and X isnt already running,
    I swung my chair around and got on my gateway, telneted to stinky, logged
    in as a normal user, ln -s /etc /tmp/.X11-unix, startx'd remotly, Saw
    the X startup crap, looked behind me and saw X starting on stinky, I
    turned to my gateway and stoped X, and had write access to /etc.
    The only real thing I can think of for this to be usefull is .rhosts in

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