Re: FrontPage + Apache + FreeBSD

From: Gregory A. Carter (omniat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 26 1999 - 14:44:21 PST

  • Next message: The ADM Crew: "Re: ADM w0rm"

    On Fri, 26 Mar 1999, Paul Schandel wrote:
     . This is not a security issue.  Hence why they did not respond to you.
     . In your own example of a VirtualHost you listed and alias
     . in the same hosting.
     . In this instance why wouldnt FrontPage associate both domains as being in
     . the SAME directory and location.  Hence the username and password are stored
     . in the same location.  Are both working on the same ROOT WEB.  you didnt
     . setup any subwebs so you wouldnt see any of those.  It would be considered a
     . security issue if say opened with the user/pass of the
     . one set for  But in this instance it would not be.
    No this is not correct, when I'm going to instead of the
    server pointing me at the root web of the virtual hosted site it brings me
    to the root web of the whole server.  Sub webs have nothing to do with it.
    I wouldn't care about the problem at all accept for the fact the when it
    directs FrontPage Explorer to the main root web instead it also uses the
    VIRTUAL WEBS permissions.  Hence as in my case I added a user to the
    virtual web and pointed my web site to (the virtual web
    alias), it brought up the MAIN web for the whole server but allowed me
    access with the virtual webs permissions.  This is *definatly* a bug on
    M$'s side here.  The extensions to at the LEAST recognize the
    "ServerAlias" directive in apache and either #1 Go to the right web or #2
    deny access to the main root web of the whole server with the virtual webs
    usernames and passwords.
    Try it out you'll see what I mean.  I was quite surprised when I added a
    u/p so a customer could edit their virtual web site and having them call
    up and mention that they had access to our main web site that's not
    virtualy hosted because they entered "" instead of
    "" in the list webs box.
    | Dynamic Networking Solutions                     InterX Technologies |
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