wu-ftp 2.4.2 (release VR16) /bin/ftponly

From: Bluefish [@ home] ([@)
Date: Sat Mar 27 1999 - 04:21:46 PST

  • Next message: Juha Jäykkä: "Re: IE5 Feature/security hole"

    as I previously reported to euro-coders, since I installed the wu-ftpd
    version(s) which fixes the beta-18 hole, the good old ftponly hack
    described at all pages stopped working (linux 2.0.34, originally redhat
    5.0 but modified quite a lot. Yes, shell was in /etc/shells.)
    Anyway, my guess was quite trivial, it probably required the shell to go
    on forever just as the ssh-ftpd etc. So basicly, I decided that an
    appropriate solution was to check if the shell is ftpd, otherwise
    So, this is my replacement/patch/whatever for a /bin/ftponly which does
    allow ftponly, which the ones setup as described in various faq's on the
    net failed. Comments are welcome.
    This also forwarded to bugtraq. Perhaps a lowpriority, however if many
    sites suddenly find their anomonous FTPs stop working that is a security
    problem, as they may temporary downgrade or something equally bad.
    ---< cut here >
    # ftponly shell
    # grepped = 1 means login is ftp. is this a good solution?
    GREPPED=$( ps auxw | grep ftpd | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | grep -c $PID )
    # only used for text messages, kill it if you like.
    if [ "$GREPPED" != "1" ]; then
      echo "You're login appears to be none-ftp. bye bye $WHOAMI!"
      exit 0
    # this is not really needed, but still...
    if [ "$UID" = "0" ]; then
      echo "Err... Sorry. UID 0 isn't nice!"
      exit 0
    # debug message, not really shown to ftpusers anyway
    echo "[FTPONLY] Login accepted. Welcome $WHOAMI!"
    # loop forever. cons/pros ?
    while [ "1" = "1" ] do; sleep 10; done
    ----< and paste? >
    [email.ilove] ealliance$hotmail.com || 11a$gmx.net
    [web.we.rock] http://home.swipnet.se/~w-12702/11A/

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