icq DOS / possible "stupid user" vulnerability.

From: Ronald A. Jarrell (jarrellat_private)
Date: Sun Mar 28 1999 - 22:07:18 PST

  • Next message: Paul Schandel: "Re: FrontPage + Apache + FreeBSD"

    Ok, I was a bit surprised when, in playing with the new ICQ99a build 1700 v2.13
    client (which I believe is the first publicly distributed one of the
    99 family), I turned on the "Activate my home page" feature, and turned
    my laptop into a web server...
    Complete with a file server that allows by default anything in the
    "program files\icq\homepage\root\YOUR#\files" folder to be requested.
    Even set up a guest book, chat service, etc...
    After getting over being astonished (yea, they said "turning this on
    might increase people's access to your machine, and tell them your
    ip address" - of course it will.  You're setting up a bloody web server
    you idiots.  A bad one at that.) I naturally started doing some poking.
    Telnet to your port 80, and enter some non http gibberish.  I tried
    "quit<cr>" for grins.  Blam.  Down goes the ICQ client with a GPF.
    Got someone else to turn theirs on, and sure enough, managed to shoot
    him down too.
    I warned Mirabilis about it.  Folks at institutions that worry about
    such things, but let their employees run ICQ might want to be aware
    that said employees might well be running web servers now and not
    evening know it.  On you ICQ contact list, if they're on it, said
    users show up with a little house next to their name.
    Ron Jarrell
    VA Tech Computing Center

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