Re: Possible security hole

From: Darren Reed (avalonat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 29 1999 - 15:13:50 PST

  • Next message: Bronek Kozicki: "Re: Melissa Macro Virus"

    In some mail from Ryan Russell, sie said:
    > >The first 25 packets were lost before the interface's initialization. The
    > >packets with sequence number greater than 34 are droped from the firewall.
    > >What about the packets with sequence number 25-34? Is it possible that
    > >someone can use this time (after the interface's initialization and before
    > >the firewall's initialization) to do something bad?
    > Absolutely.  There is a period of time while the FW is booting when the
    > OS is up, but the FW software is not.  FW-1 makes no attempt to hook
    > the IP stack in such a way to prevent this.  You MUST secure the
    > underlying OS ON YOUR OWN.  FW-1 does NOT "harden" the OS..
    I think you missed the point here...if the interfaces are UP, then
    it's likely to be forwarding packets *through* the box...I don't
    know if the NT version of FW-1 has a control ip forwarding option
    as does the Solaris one, but it should.  (THe poster didn't say if
    packets got through or if they even tested that).

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