Re: Possible local DoS in sendmail

From: Gregory Neil Shapiro (gshapiroat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 02 1999 - 10:23:26 PST

  • Next message: Greg A. Woods: "Re: tcpd remarks warning"

    Lukasz> In that moment while we are sending data to its stdin, when we will
    Lukasz> press CTRL-C process is being killed, but in queue rests unfinished
    Lukasz> letter.  It stays there quite long - long enought to fullfill
    Lukasz> partition on disk where /var/spool/mqueue resides.  When it
    Lukasz> happends, sendmail doesn't allow new connections - so it is a kind
    Lukasz> of DoS attack for this service.  It has been tested on all new
    Lukasz> versions on sendmail up to current (8.9.3).
    Thanks for posting this info Lukasz.
    Unfortunately we believe this is just a variation on the many Denial of
    Service attacks possible from a Unix shell.  In fact, it's "yet another
    queue filling" exercise.  This problem affects most, if not all MTAs.
    Interestingly, the proposed DOS is less severe than the usual queue filling
    strategies such as repeatedly submitting large mails to an undeliverable
    address, such as someone@[].
    The reason for this is that the derelict files will be removed by the next
    scheduled queue run.  In the case of legitimately queued mail, it will take
    the full queue return timeout before the queue entry is removed (assuming a
    lack of intervention on the administrator's part).
    The valid point you do raise is that shell-based DOS attacks are hard to
    deal with.  In many cases, the only recourse is to identify and stop the
    In this case we suggest that if this attack is a possibility at your site,
    you use process accounting to help trace the malicious user.  Also, unless
    your script gets the timing exactly right every time, the queue submission
    will complete which will give more information about the identity of the
    attacker.  As a side note, setting the MaxMessageSize option prevents any
    one message from filling the queue.
    Having said that, it does point out that sendmail could log the username
    and queue ID earlier to help make tracing this sort of attack even easier.
    We will look into the benefits of doing this for a future release.
    Lukasz as a final point, we really appreciate you raising this issue but in
    the future, we would prefer some consultation prior to posting to bugtraq.
    This will allow us to have all of the information available at the time of
    the posting.  The address to contact us is sendmail-bugsat_private
    Conclusion.  Queue filling DOS attacks are not unique to sendmail.  This is
    not a new problem.  There is no general solution to this and many other DOS
    attacks apart from identifying and stopping the malicious user.
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