Re: Xylan OmniSwitch "features"

From: Jeff Murphy (jcmurphyat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 01 1999 - 11:31:00 PST

  • Next message: Michał Szymański: "Re: Possible local DoS in sendmail"

    we tried this with Version and we're able to get in.
    -- inserted text --
    > Number one: anyone can telnet to the switch and login, without knowing
    > either user or passwod strings. No permission will be given to perform
    If I understand this, I can hit CR and get in. Just hitting CR keeps
    returning the login prompt, using any other character gets me to password,
    but CR returns login failure.
    > Number two: anyone can ftp to the switch, whitout knowing either user or
    > password strings.
    Nope, couldn't get in.
    -- end inserted text --

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