FBI's InfraGard

From: Stout, Bill (StoutB@pioneer-standard.com)
Date: Fri Apr 16 1999 - 14:22:37 PDT

  • Next message: Aleph One: "Administrivia"

    Looks like we can all relax and go home now.
    FBI Tries To Protect IT Systems From Intrusions
    Friday, April 16, 1999
    "The FBI is set to launch a national rollout of InfraGard, apartnership of
    businesses, the bureau, and its NationalInfrastructure Protection Center.
    The alliance is designed to protect IT systems from hacker attacks and other
    intrusions by providing a network for sharing information about attacks and
    how to thwart them...
    ...InfraGard was formed as part of the federal government's effort to
    protect the nation's critical information systems. It's designed to
    ultimately serve as a national clearinghouse of information about security
    intrusions and vulnerabilities, and to offer tools to help detect and
    prevent attacks."
    Bill Stout

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