EC app security

From: Stout, Bill (StoutB@PIONEER-STANDARD.COM)
Date: Mon Apr 19 1999 - 11:00:36 PDT

  • Next message: David LeBlanc: "Re: Bug in WinNT 4.0 SP4"

    Has anyone done a security audit/analysis of Electronic Commerce software
    packages, such as catalog, database, and payment systems rolled into one?
    There seems to be a deafening silence on what seems to be the most
    vulnerable products.  Most bug issues are at the 'bit level' (O.S., stack,
    or services) and not typically at the higher layer applications or workflow
    One experience; searching for database performance info one day, and pulling
    up the 'catalog administrator' page of one (political) commerce site.  Had a
    hell of a time convincing the admin that that was a problem, without
    actually changing anything.
    Bill Stout

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