ICQ Password Revealer

From: Dmitri Alperovitch (dmitriat_private)
Date: Mon May 10 1999 - 06:29:01 PDT

  • Next message: Lamont Granquist: "Re: Solaris2.6,2.7 dtprintinfo exploits"

    A few weeks ago, it was posted that ICQ99 stores the password
    used to access the ICQ network in plain-text in the .DAT files.
    We have written a program that demonstrates this by parsing
    these .DAT files for password and showing it to the user.
    It can be downloaded at http://www.encrsoft.com/products.html#icqpass
    Note: The option to save password can be turned off in ICQ's
    Security & Privacy settings.
    Yours truly,
    Dmitri Alperovitch
    Encryption Software - Developers of TSM for ICQ, an ICQ encryption add-on

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