Re: Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS99-014)

From: rotaiv (rotaivat_private)
Date: Thu May 13 1999 - 13:12:48 PDT

  • Next message: Sam Carter: "Re: SunOS 5.6 (X86) lpset vulnerability"

    This is in response to the Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS99-014).
    On 3/29/99 I posted a message to BugTraq titled, "Bypassing Excel
    Macro Virus Protection".  The message explained two ways to bypass the
    "Macro Virus Protection" option in Excel 97.  One is to password
    protect an infected spreadsheet (Q176640) and the second is to copy an
    infected spreadsheet into the XLSTART directory (Q180614).  Both
    methods will open an infected spreadsheet without the macro warning
    I would love to think Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS99-014) was in
    response to my email but I'll be humble and chalk it up to
    coincidence.  I downloaded the patch to see if addressed the two
    scenarios I described above.  I found that you will now receive the
    macro warning on a password protected file but not on a file copied to
    the XLSTART directory.  Also, you can still enable or disable the
    macro virus protected with a simple reg hack.  I guess that is not so
    important because if you can perform a reg hack, you can do a lot more
    than execute an Excel macro.
    I am not sure what really prompted Microsoft to release a patch for
    Excel but I find it surprising that they did not address the XLSTART
    option either.  They should at least give us the option of deciding if
    this directory is trusted, thereby by-passing the macro virus warning.
    'nuff said.
    rotaiv -£-
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