Re: IRIX midikeys vulnerability list.

From: Aleph One (aleph1at_private)
Date: Fri May 21 1999 - 16:39:18 PDT

  • Next message: UNYUN@ShadowPenguinSecurity: "Re: Solaris libc exploit"

    This is a summary of some of the responses to this thread. It seems
    that whether or not you use a vi or some other editor makes a difference.
    Would the people that reported it as not working please repeat their
    test using a different editor? Thank you.
    >From Jean-Francois Malouin <Jean-Francois.Malouinat_private>:
      dmedia_eoe.sw.synth ( at least on IRIX 6.5.3m).
      Following the aforementionned recipe, I tried to modify some system files
      on an Octane IP30 running 6.5.3m but to no avail. hmmmm, I see that same
      system as being reported vulnerable...
      # uname -Ra
      # IRIX64 6.5 6.5.3m 01221553 IP30
    >From Jeremy Hinegardner <jeremyat_private>:
      I have tested the exploit on a couple of Octanes, and
      it seems to be fixed in the IRIX 6.5.3 feature stream.
      Our machines using 6.5.3f were not vulnerable.
      Both the filemanager and the editor ran as the user
      no root.
      Verified to work on Octane running IRIX 6.4
      uname -aR
      IRIX64 octane 6.4 S2MP+OCTANE 02121744 IP30
      Verified to NOT work on Octane running IRIX 6.5.3f
      uname -aR
      IRIX64 octane 6.5 6.5.3f 01221643 IP30
      The IRIX 6.5.4 streams is available for download,
      anyone try them?
    >From J.A. Gutierrez <spdat_private>:
        * verified:
        IRIX64 IRIX 6.5.3f
        (editor (jot) runs as root)
         |-+------- 1147467 root     midikeys
         | \-+----- 1150492 root     dirview /usr/share/data/music
         |   \----- 1152654 root     fmserv
        * Didn't work at first
        IRIX 6.2 where midikeys is from dmedia_eoe.sw.synth
        (editor (vi) runs as user)
        But if you open an X11 editor (gvim), it will run as root,
        and you will be able to edit anything, again...
    >From eLement <eLementat_private>:
      The vulnerability is verified to work on
      uname -aR
      IRIX eLement 6.3 O2 R10000 12161207 IP32
    >From Klaus <klausat_private>
      The machine on my desk:
      IRIX grimlock 6.5 6.5.2m 11051733 IP32
      didn't seem to be vulnerable, but I don't have nedit installed; vi didn't
      preserve my setuid from midikeys.
      However, on a machine -with- nedit,
      IRIX jazz 6.5 6.5.2m 11051733 IP32
      I was able to replicate it. I was also able to replicate the exploit using
      jot (another window based text editor).
      So the exploit seems to revolve around the use of an editor that doesn't
      require a terminal device; opening a tty to run the editor (although I'm
      not 100% on how gvim works in that respect) seems to reset the effective
    Aleph One / aleph1at_private
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