Re: Possible Netscape/Unix (Debian) problem - quick clarification

From: Graham Evans (gevans@BESPOKE-CONTINENTAL.CO.UK)
Date: Wed May 26 1999 - 17:56:36 PDT

  • Next message: Pawel K. Peczak: "Re: IRIX midikeys Vulnerability"

    Sorry if my last mail wasn't exactly clear,
    Firstly, my comments about "xhost +" was only an example and should
    _NEVER_EVER_ be used in a real environment. Replace with your favourite
    for using another computer, to run a program and view the results on
    As a couple of you have pointed out the netscape (at least my version)
    is called from a wrapper script (which I had not noticed so thanks), the
    headers on the script suggest that the script has been around for at
    least two years and may of found it's way into other distributions(?)
    After looking at the script, as David pointed out, Netscape IS being
    called with the -remote option, so yes it is a "feature" rather than a
    "bug", although it seems odd that -remote is allowed to check for copies
    of itself running on another computer, and relies completely on X
    permissions (never very strong) to stop misuse.
    PS, As a last note, I'd be interested to know of other systems that
    install similar scripts by default - replies to above Email please.
             Graham Evans                        Tel +44 (0) 1424 211002
         Internet Consultant                     Fax +44 (0) 1424 217107
         Bespoke Continental     

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