Re: Bastille Linux amd kha0S Linux

From: M. Adam Kendall (makat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 03 1999 - 17:29:02 PDT

  • Next message: Thomas Biege: "Re: /tmp symlink problems in SuSE Linux 6.1"

    >Finally, there are several other secure Linux projects in development.
    >kha0s Linux and the (as-yet-unnamed) Secure Linux distribution project
    >coordinated by Le Reseau just starting development and aimed squarely at
    >servers, and to build it from the ground up. This is a very important
    >project, but it differs from ours in that our system is intended for
    >general use by a relatively unschooled public. We plan on closely
    >coordinating with the project hosted by Le Reseau (refereed by Rik van
    >Riel) as much as possible. The kha0s Linux project appears to be
    >dormant, but we will attempt to coordinate with them as well.
    This is just to set the record straight on a few things really.  This
    is not intended to be flame bait and should not be taken as so.
    I do know for a fact that the kha0S project is NOT dormant in any way, and
    has been releasing very low level base systems for a while now. These
    'snapshots' are of very basic linux systems, where all the code has been
    audited by hand for vulnerabilities, buffer overflows, et al. All patches
    that have been written were forwarded to the maintainers.
    Unlike some of the other secure linux distributions that have been cropping
    up lately, we have not publicized our efforts one bit for the fact that we
    wanted to have a base system to work with before getting the public
    It seems, that we indeed should have publicized our efforts.
    Unfortunately, I do not see a merging of any of the projects. As mentioned
    by Jon, our efforts have much different goals and a different
    kha0S has much the same vision as OpenBSD: Audited code, small footprint,
    and cryptographic components.  We will be source based unlike the other
    projects, which seem to be basing themselves off of already established name
    brand distribution.
    Also, one other thing to note is that unlike the other distributions, we do
    have a vision and current course of action, and well thought out plans for
    the future of kha0S.  We seem to be months ahead of these other projects,
    if we can help the other projects in any way, we would be willing to do so
    without hesitation.  It is nice to see that there are others out there that
    are concerned with securing linux as much as we are.
    Should anyone want to view the three major secure linux projects, the web
    listed should give anyone enough information about all of them.
    	Secure Linux?:
    I beleive that all three have mailing lists that you can join should you
    Should anyone wish to turn this into a flame war of which approach is
    please do it privately:  makat_private   or   safat_private
    M. Adam Kendall						Scott Fallin
    Project Manager						Creator/Development Lead
    makat_private						safat_private

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