unneeded information in sudo

From: Samuel Mikes (smikesat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 09 1999 - 12:01:15 PDT

  • Next message: Randy Mclean: "Re: unneeded information in sudo"

    >> "Bencsath" == Bencsath Boldizsar <boldiat_private> writes:
    Bencsath> Sudo (debian , v1.5.6p2-2) tells anyone if a file exists or
    Bencsath> not. It's not a very big problem, but when i set a
    Bencsath> directory _not_ accessible to anyone but root, I want to
    Bencsath> make sure, nobody knows what files are in it.  Both
    Bencsath> executable and not executables- if there is no file: No
    Bencsath> such file or directory, if it exists: permission denied if
    Bencsath> not executable, You are not in sudoers if executable.
      This problem has been known for over a year -- probably longer.
    Everyone agrees that it's wrong behavior in sudo; nobody has felt
    motivated enough to write a patch for it.
      If you contact sudo-bugsat_private or sudo-workers (also at
    courtesan?), they'll tell you all about it.
    Sam Mikes

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