Linux/Netware Access

From: Simple Nomad (thegnomeat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 18 1999 - 13:15:13 PDT

  • Next message: Scott Culp: "Re: Microsoft Peer Web Services vulnerability"

    Jitsu-Disk is hard at work on the new version of Pandora, but had time to
    patch together some code that allows connection from an IPX-aware Linux
    box to a Netware 4.x or 5.x server using only the recovered hash of the
    password (in other words, no need to crack it first, just mount up). Check
    out, which includes a
    pre-compiled binary and the source for ncpfs- (which is what
    panmount is based on).
    This is simply a patch to ncpmount. The README has the instructions.
    Tested on the latest Red Hat, but should work with any IPX-enabled kernel.
    Check out the Linux IPX Howto for more details on using IPX with Linux.
        Simple Nomad    //
     thegnomeat_private  // rest for the Wicca'd....    //

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