Re: Microsoft Peer Web Services vulnerability

From: David LeBlanc (dleblancat_private)
Date: Sat Jun 19 1999 - 10:11:41 PDT

  • Next message: Michael Howard: "Re: Bug in MS FTP 4.0"

    At 02:35 PM 6/17/99 -0400, Colette.Chamberlandat_private wrote:
    >The  user will then be prompted for a UserID and password and if successful
    >authentication takes place they are given access to sensitive server
    >information. It provides an attacker with a means to brute
    >force / guess the Administrators password and if successful an enormous
    >amount of reconnaissance work can be achieved through the application's use.
    I think you'll find that in general, someone running PWS will also not have
    any port filtering in place and that the NetBIOS ports are available -
    we're talking about someone's workstation, so this won't usually be the
    only means to go guessing the admin password.  The important thing is to
    make sure that you've chosen a strong password.
    I'd have to check into it, but I think that the web-based administration
    can be disabled entirely - a MMC-based admin tool can be used instead.  I
    don't recommend changing the admin user's name in any case where the
    NetBIOS ports are open, because the administrator's name can always be
    determined.  However, if the NetBIOS ports are not available, then renaming
    that account can provide an extra level of obfuscation.
    It is equally important to be sure that any application which allows
    administration of the web site (such as Front Page) has been set up properly.
    David LeBlanc

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