rh6 remote user discovery.

From: Razathorn (filelandat_private)
Date: Sun Jun 20 1999 - 23:59:39 PDT

  • Next message: Adam Shostack: "Re: Diversity"

    This may sound trivial.. but since a recent ssh / rh issue was posted.. I
    figured I should inquire about the following:
    when one telnets into a rh6 box, and enters a valid user name, with a blank
    password... it takes three attempts before the connection is closed.
    if one uses a bogus user... it takes four attempts with blank passwords.
    I belive this falls under the same curtian as ssh... if so.. is this
    a pam issue.. and is it fixed via the same route as ssh?
     [ Razathorn <filelandat_private>                                 ]
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