Cabletron Spectrum security vulnerability

From: Dave Plonka (plonkaat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 23 1999 - 14:17:08 PDT

  • Next message: Ton Hospel: "Re: Cabletron Spectrum security vulnerability"

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
    This is to inform you of a security vulnerability in Cabletron
    Spectrum Enterprise Manager.  (For the unfamiliar, "Spectrum" is a high-
    end Network Management System.)  Among other things, this vulnerability
    allows non-root shell users, on the machine on which the server product
    is installed, to be able to obtain "root" privilege.  This vulnerability
    exists in, at least, version 5.0.1 (the current version as of this
    writing) under Solaris.
    The Spectrum Enterprise Manager installation process creates a directory
    tree in which most directories and many files allow write permission for
    "other" (and "group") users.  (This is done regardless of the umask in
    effect at the time of the install - i.e. it is not able to be influenced
    easily by the installer.)  The writable directories include those
    containing the Spectrum executables, at least one of which is, and
    apparently must be, run as "root" during normal operation of the product.
    I have determined that this directory permissions situation can be
    exploited by an unprivileged shell user (on the Spectrum server machine
    where the product is installed) to cause a component of Spectrum to run
    any executable, of the user's choosing, as "root".
    No doubt, there are other implications to these directories and files
    being able to be modified by "other".  For instance, a trojan horse
    could be installed in place of a normal component executable or script,
    or the Spectrum installation could be made dysfunctional by the removal
    of the contents of the writable directories by an unprivileged user.
    At the very least, either of these could amount to a Denial-Of-Service
    attack on the Spectrum services hosted on the server machine.
    I have not determined whether a similar vulnerability exists when
    Spectrum is installed under NT, nor whether these vulnerabilities affect
    SpectroGRAPH (client-only) installations.  My guess is that SpectroGRAPH
    client machines would be similarly vulnerable to the unprivileged users
    being able to unlink directory entries or modify various files.  However,
    those client installations are unlikely to be vulnerable to unprivileged
    users by allowing them to obtain root access, since I know of no
    SpectroGRAPH components which runs as root.  Other user accounts might be
    able to be compromised by virtue of the permissions facilitating the
    installation of a trojan horse.
    In April I reported this problem to Cabletron and have an as yet
    unresolved case open (case #267248, escalated #17974) with their Global
    Technical Assistance Center.
    Hopefully a patch will be made available and corresponding changes so
    future releases, upgrades, and patches will not re-introduce this
    The latest information I have is that the fix is slated for "CS3/MMS3"
    (the 3rd Core Supplement/Management Module Supplement), for which a
    release date has not been set.  As of this writing, "CS2/MMS2" has yet
    to be released, so Spectrum customers may be waiting some time for a
    vendor-supplied solution.  I've heard that they intend to release such
    supplements quarterly but only CS1/MMS1 has been released so far.
    In the mean time, here's two alternative potential solutions:
    1) Do not create, or allow login for, *any* user accounts on the Spectrum
       host other than for those users who normally use Spectrum and whom you
       trust not to damage your Spectrum installation.  Also, beware of
       offering services such as anonymous ftp on that host since such
       services could allow the overwriting of files in the Spectrum directory
    - OR -
    2) Tighten up the permissions for the Spectrum directory hierarchy.
       (See the example "secure_spectrum" script.)
       We can make use of the group permissions to increase security, while
       still allowing multiple SpectroGRAPH users to write into various
       Spectrum directories, as is apparently necessary:
       When setting up Spectrum Enterprise Manager, create a "spectrum" group.
       Make this "spectrum" group the group for the $SPECROOT directory and all
       sub-directories and files underneath.  Then turn on the set-gid bit of
       $SPECROOT and all sub-directories so that subseqently-created sub-
       directory entries will "inherit" that group id, i.e. "spectrum".
       (Without the set-group-id bit, these entries would have had their group
       set to the effective group ID of the creating process.)  If you have
       the opportunity to do this before installing Spectrum, that is ideal.
       A umask of 02 (i.e. allow user and group write permission) when for the
       users in the "spectrum" group might be useful as well.  (This can be set
       up in the individual users ".profile".)
       When seting up Spectrum user accounts, place only the Spectrum install
       "target user" (usually called "spectrum") and those users who should be
       allowed to run SpectroGRAPH on this server into the "spectrum" group so
       that only this subset of users will have write access to the Spectrum
       directories and files that allow write permission for the group.  I
       suggest that the "SDPM" directory, and any directories and files that
       should not be modified during the normal operation of Spectrum, should
       disallow group write permission as well.
       I have provided a script called "secure_spectrum" as an example to help
       a Spectrum administrator configure Spectrum as just described.
       After installing Spectrum and any subsequent upgrades or patches, run
       this script:
          # export SPECROOT=/my/spectrum/dir
          # ./secure_spectrum
       Even with this proposed solution, there are outstanding issues:
       * There are still a number of files that Spectrum creates (primarily
         log files) that allow write permission by others.
       * Users in the "spectrum" group can still do destructive things, such
         as removing necessary files under the Spectrum directories.  I see no
         easy way to avoid this since Spectrum doesn't clearly define which
         directories should be read-only and which should be allowed to be
         modified during normal use... Some directories, such as "SS" and
         "SS/DDM", even contain both executables *and* modifiable database
       Also, until the vendor addresses this issue, remember that subseqent
       upgrades and patches could reintroduce the vulnerability by extracting
       new files with the lax permissions.  Be sure to check for this and,
       if necessary, re-apply more restrictive permissions afterward.
    Use my suggestion (outlined above) at your own risk...  It would be a
    Good Thing(tm) to backup your spectrum installation prior to any such
    experimentation.  IMO, it does eliminate aforementioned vulnerabilities,
    but may introduce unexpected problems since I know not if components of
    Spectrum have accidentally come to rely upon the more "permissive"
    directory structure.  Spectrum development folks would best be able to
    fully ascertain the side-effects.
    plonkaat_private  ARS:N9HZF  Madison, WI
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=secure_spectrum
    #! /bin/ksh
    # secure_spectrum - a script to shore up security on a Spectrum 5.0r1 install.
    # $Id: secure_spectrum,v 1.1 1999/06/23 21:02:52 plonka Exp $
    # Dave Plonka <plonkaat_private>, Jun 23 1999
    # Check Cabletron GTAC case #267248, escalated #17974 for details on the
    # security issues that this script is attempting to correct.
    # A description was supplied in the file "Spectrum_bugtraq.txt" distributed
    # with this script.
    # I suggest running this script after installing Spectrum, applying patches,
    # or applying core or management module supplements.
    # This has been tested before and after the application of CS1/MMS1.
    # configuration - target user and group:
    typeset target_user=spectrum
    typeset target_group=spectrum
    # external commands used by this script:
    if cd ${SPECROOT?}
       print -u2 "Could not change to \$SPECROOT directory: ${SPECROOT?}"
       exit 1
    # set owner and group of directories and non-setuid files:
    ${find?} . \( -type d -o \( -type f ! -perm -4000 \) \) -print |${xargs?} ${chown?} ${target_user?}:${target_group?}
    # turn on set-gid and remove write permission for others on directories:
    ${find?} . -type d -print |${xargs?} ${chmod?} g+s,o-w
    # remove write permission for others on files:
    ${find?} . -type f -print |${xargs?} ${chmod?} o-w
    # remove write permission for group and other on set-uid files:
    ${find?} . -type f -perm -4000 -print |${xargs?} ${chmod?} g-w
    # remove write permission for group on SDPM directory (where processd resides):
    ${chmod?} g-w SDPM
    exit 0

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