linuxconf doesn't seem to deal correctly with /etc/pam.d/reboot

From: Domingos Bruges (domingos.brugesat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 30 1999 - 15:32:14 PDT

  • Next message: Guy Cohen: "BigIP - bigconf.cgi holes"

    Greetings you all,
    I'm not sure that what I'm about the say does really work, but i've
    tested it successfully in 3 RedHat 6.0 boxes with (1.14 - subrev 4).
    If you use linuxconf  in order to create / edit any user
    system priviledges, you may notice that if you set a user to have Denied
    priviledges on the shutdown command he can stil be able to reboot / shutdown it.
    It seems that linuxconf isn't dealing correctly with /etc/pam.d/reboot
    PS: sorry for my rubish english
    Domingos Bruges  --      domingos.brugesat_private        --      [ BeBe @ ]
          Eng' Telecomunicacoes e Informatica @ ISCTE      --      [ ]        --      netwrk adm
                     "Whitout fools there will be no whisdom"

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