Re: BSD-fileflags

From: Darren Reed (avalonat_private)
Date: Sun Jul 04 1999 - 06:30:02 PDT

  • Next message: Darren Reed: "Re: Fwd: Information on MS99-022"

    I might add that to be able to unmount /usr, if that is indeed where
    /usr/bin/login is being run from, or any other filesystem for that
    matter, it needs to be totally unused.  For this reason, I think you
    would be hard pressed to have /usr unmounted in a manner that would
    go undetected unless you were in single luser mode.  Depending on
    what else runs on the system and how packages are installed, the
    same might be true for other file systems often used for installation
    of binaries (/usr/local).  To give you some idea of the programs which
    would need to have been stopped before unmounting /usr are as follows:
    syslogd, update, cron, inetd, getty
    (according to NetBSD-1.4).  That said, I do think that the claims made
    by the documentation for securelevel 1 are false and should instead
    mention something about changing file flags through "conventional means"
    with a more complete briefing available for securelevel 2.

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