Checkpoint FW-1 identification

From: Tim Hirst (hirstat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 16 1999 - 01:26:52 PDT

  • Next message: Dustin Marquess: "Re: Shared memory DoS's"

    Hi all,
    This is not a bug but is instead a common procedural error.
    If a remote attacker performs a port scan on a network and
    finds a machine with ports 256, 257, and 258 open then it is
    a sure bet that they are running a Checkpoint FW-1 firewall.
    Since increased awareness about the brand and location of a
    firewall can greatly help an attacker, providing this
    information is a *bad* thing.
    Solution: Don't give them the info. Don't allow any
    connections to the firewall itself, accept for the firewall
    protocol, and only allow that from trusted sources. Of
    course this means that your firewall should not be running
    any other services, but that should be a given. Also make
    sure that you disable the appropriate sections in the
    *hidden* properties page. If you have a router then add a
    ACL that disallows unauthorized systems from scanning or
    even seeing these ports.
    Tim Hirst                          <thirstat_private>
    Audit Team Leader      
    Hiverworld, Inc.               Enterprise Network Security
    Network Forensics, Intrusion Detection and Risk Management

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