New way to pay in advance for ToorCon '99 in San Diego, California

From: Ben (skaloreat_private)
Date: Sat Jul 24 1999 - 23:10:14 PDT

  • Next message: Joel Eriksson: "Re: Troff dangerous."

    Hello everyone,
    To refresh your memory ToorCon is the first ever comprehensive computer
    security convention in San Diego, which will take place September
    3rd-4th, 1999 at the Price Center in the University of California,
    San Diego.
    The website is
    Our current schedule of topics look something like this:
    - IDS
    - BSD Firewalling
    - DIalogue with Jim Hebert of the SD Union Tribune
    - Root Wars (you have to be there to understand this one :))
    - Stack-Based Buffer Overflows Workshop
    - Security Panel
    - Socket Programming in Perl
    - Corporation Exploration Field Trip
    - InstallFest
    - Maintaining Secure Large Networks
    And now what you've been waiting for...
    A new way to pay in advance
    Send $25 in cash, check or money order to:
    Ben Greenberg
    PO Box 927498
    San Diego, CA 92192-7498
    If you would like to pay at the door, the cost is $35.
    As always, when paying in advance you recieve the following 'preferred
    status' meaning:
    - Less wait for workshops and installfest
    - Better seating during lectures
    - & One free raffle ticket for the main raffle
    Ben Greenberg & David Hulton
    Chairmen of ToorCon

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