NSW Dragon Fire gets drowned

From: Stefan Laudat (stefanat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 04 1999 - 08:32:20 PDT

  • Next message: Strange: "user flags in public temp space (was Re: chflags() [heads up])"

    Application: Dragon Fire 3.1 IDS for Unices
    Developer: Network Security Wizards
    Urgency: VERY HIGH
    Symptoms: Web users can run arbitrary commands *remotely*.
    	In the middle of developement of a Linux IDS , I wanted to take a short glimpse
    at some similar products on the net. Seems like the most impressive (and commercial, yuck)
    is NSW's (Network Security Wizard's) Dragon Fire 3.1, just released. I've followed the nice
    link there (Live demo) and I've chosen there Database telnet1, Forensic tool mkchart,
    sensor ALL and as 'IP one' | ls -lsa / . I was unpleasantly surprised when I've seen my command
    executed very well, with a nice output. Too bad it doesn't run as root (maybe other tools in that
    package do). Anyhow, they don't run that system on a Linux station ( try as 'IP one' | echo `uname -a`
    and vote for SunOS!?). I guess many customers run it on oher buggy Unices (Irix etc) so watch your asses
    and claim your support, or switch to a local tool implemented by your system administrator (wow,
    my company is lucky, don't you think so? :)) Go there if you don't believe me, and try as many
    commands as possible, maybe that IDS is smart enough to log them too ! :)
    	The sources are not public (and they are buggy too) so I reccomend IMMEDIATE protection
    of the web pages (.htaccess if you use Apache). You may also keep your mouth shut unless NSW
    releases a *elementary* secure wrapper and don't make your DragonFire URLs public. There is
    an enterprise version too :>
    	Well, if you read http://www.securitywizards.com/wsj1.html, I guess Mr Gula wil not
    forget to invite me at his next DefCon, near all the feds and US crackers (= kiddies,for me) there to
    penetrate newer versions of 'DragonFire'. I guess the feds will have to focus their attention
    on some other IDSes.
    Stefan Laudat
    Data Networks Analyst
    !07/11 PDP a ni deppart m'I  !pleH

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