Re: FW-1 DOS attack: PART II

From: Darren Reed (avalonat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 05 1999 - 07:02:42 PDT

  • Next message: David LeBlanc: "Re: Follow up to .hta HTML Application in IE5"

    In some mail from Paul Boyer, sie said:
    > The need is to remember some (relatively small) state information about
    > a connection, while a DoS attack consist in flooding with irrelevant
    > packets requiring that same amount of information.
    The problem here, isn't so much setting up new information but keeping
    information around.  The problem was originally brought to life using
    a port scanner, using real addreses, whereas the synflood problem is
    most commonly associated with fake source/destination IP addresses.
    Whilst synflooding was a per-host problem, with the firewall, it is
    magnified as it must moderate all connections going through.  So if
    n hosts on the inside are talking to m hosts on the outside, there's
    the potential for n*m pieces of state information.
    In the case of FW-1, I'm not sure what they can do w.r.t. ACK's and
    resuming connections apart from throwing that nasty feature out.
    Possibly have an accelerated timeout (a few seconds).
    In a carefully configured firewall using IP Filter, denial of service
    problems are more likely to hit the application (servers) before the
    state tables, etc, assuming your attacks are sourced externally and
    you have controlled internal endpoints.  My own firewall lets in mail
    connections and that's it. The box will probably croak due to excessive
    mail processes running before the state table gets filled.  If I wanted,
    I could easily cause a DoS problem for myself with it - just send 10,000
    `fake' SYN packets through to some host which I know will never respond.
    For just holding state information about current connections, you could
    probably implement something along the lines of pass the SYN's through
    and enable state on SYN-ACK's in response, although that really requires
    two rules per port.
    That doesn't work, for NAT, as you need to know how to translate the packet
    (both of them, to match and in both directions) and in addition, you need to
    be sure that your translation isn't going to collide with a previous packet's
    translation that you may now know nothing about.

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