Re: Cisco 675 password nonsense

From: Signal 11 (signal11at_private)
Date: Sat Aug 07 1999 - 09:50:24 PDT

  • Next message: rpc: "Remote DoS of WebTrends Enterprise Reporting Server"

    Dave Dittrich wrote:
    > Not really.  While I haven't ever seen Network neighborhood
    > announcements, I do notice that * has been trying to make SMB
    > connections to my Linux box nearly daily for a while, I presume looking
    I'm on Mediaone, recently aquired by @Home.  I have had similar entries
    in my logfiles approximately once a day.  Mediaone dialups for MN are from - I can make my logfiles available to anyone who wants them (ipchains/linux format).  I was able to get a response from, and the message is as follows:
    What you noticed was not an attack. Instead, you noticed our crawler
    connecting to your SMB (Windows) shares.
    Scour.Net is a multimedia search engine that indexes files from three
    protocols -- HTTP, FTP, and SMB. The connection you saw was one of the SMB
    crawlers. If you do not have any SMB shares, the crawler will disconnect. If
    you do have public shares, it will index multimedia files located there.
    If you would rather not have your site indexed, you can go to and click on the "Remove my
    SMB server from Scour" link towards the bottom.
    If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    Vince Busam
    Scour, Inc.
    Vince Busam
    CTO, Scour, Inc.
    Lastly, if there are any mediaone subscribers on-list and have a firewall, or keep logs of network activity, I'd like to talk to you..
    Signal 11, List BOFH and sysadmin of
    Take the blue pill. |

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